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Admission Essay Editing Service

A college admission essay is more than just a writing sample; it is an encapsulation of your career and personality. Admission Essay EditingAcademic admission committees want to know not only about your knowledge level but also about your personal investment in what you do best.

Our admissions essay editing service will help ensure that your application ends up where it belongs: on top. We offer a unique combination of individualized approaches to help make this happen.

What Admission Essay Editing Covers

  • Proofreading & Editing: We automatically repair any errors in spelling, punctuation, and word choice in your admission essay, adding transitional sentences where required, and emphasizing salient points with powerful, direct language.
  • Narrative Structure: The best admissions essays tell a story. They are statements of purpose explaining both what you want to do and how you arrived at that decision. However, the absence of or incorrect use of phrases that connect paragraphs and sentences can undermine the continuity of your academic story. Our focus on grammatical structure repairs sentence-level errors in writing that create narrative discontinuity.
  • Opening & Conclusion: Grammatically incorrect and confusing opening and conclusion sentences can cause a reader to reject even the most convincing application letter. Since readers can decide in an instant whether or not to take your admissions essay seriously, these sentences need to be concise and grammatically coherent. Our editing helps to create the opening and closing sentences that will get your admission essay not only noticed, but remembered.
  • A Quality Testimony: The final result of our admission essay editing is a quality testimony to your academic, professional, and personal life, which reveals your skills and experiences in clear, concise, error-free prose.

Contact Us 

Admission Essay EditingAdmission Essay Editing 

    Natural Intelligence

    A thorough admission essay editing requires a human eye that remains attentive to your style, the context of each correction made, and the content of your thesis. For these reasons, natural intelligence remains, as it has been since our founding in 2002, at the core of our editing service.

    Our Promise

    We will ensure, as we have since 2002, that the final draft you receive from us is completely ready to publish or turn in and will work with you until it's ready or refund your payment.  

    Our Reviews

    Our clients are consistently satisfied with our attention to detail, response times, and accuracy. Check out our most recent and past reviews today, hosted on our site by

    Book and Manuscript Editing

    We also offer a suite of services for academic writers publishing books and journal articles at our sister site, Off the Grid Editing, where we provide an extensive line editing service for authors seeking more extensive revisions for clarity.