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Planning a Research Paper

There is simply no better way to write a paper than to begin researching and contemplating the paper's topic as early in the semester as possible. Getting a jumpstart on assignments is not only essential to reducing college stress but, perhaps more importantly, contributes to clarity of thought and leads to higher grades. Writing should be thought of as a process of gathering, considering, selecting, and presenting the most relevant possible information, and this process takes time. Professors who realize this fact will usually make assignment topics clear fairly early in the semester, so if you're working with an organized and prepared professor, time is on your side!

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Whether or not you know precisely what your writing assignment will be, you need to begin isolating your personal areas of interest from the course content as soon as the semester begins. This seems obvious, but it's also imperative. (Internet research, incidentally, is most valuable when conducted early and used sparingly.)

Specifically what information you should choose to isolate and focus on as the semester transpires depends on whether you're planning to write an argumentative essay, an expository essay, a critical essay, a narrative essay, or one of several other essay types. Each of these approaches to writing requires a different thought process, a different kind of evidence, and even a different style and tone of voice altogether.

Our editors are experienced writers in all these essay forms, trained to help you clarify your ideas by ensuring consistency and precision in your writing.

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